All Parish Council meetings (including committee meetings) are open to Stockland residents. Time is allowed in the agenda for public comment or questions. Alternatively residents can raise matters of interest with a council member. Meeting agendas, minutes and notices are also displayed on the noticeboard at the village hall.

Latest agenda: for meeting to be held on Tuesday, 30th July, 2024 at 7.30pm.

You are browsing Agendas and Minutes for the year 2020

Browse: 202620252024202320222021202020192018201720162015
Meeting DateMeeting TypeAgendaMinutes
Wed 16th Dec, 2020Extraordinary Meeting Download Download
Tue 24th Nov, 2020Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Wed 4th Nov, 2020Turbaries Management Committee Download Download
Wed 4th Nov, 2020Finance & Staff Committee Download Download
Tue 27th Oct, 2020Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Tue 6th Oct, 2020Finance & Staff Committee
Tue 29th Sep, 2020Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Tue 25th Aug, 2020Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Tue 28th Jul, 2020Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Wed 8th Jul, 2020Finance & Staff Committee Download Download
Wed 8th Jul, 2020Turbaries Management Committee Download Download
Tue 30th Jun, 2020Parish Council Meeting
Tue 26th May, 2020Annual Parish Council Meeting
Tue 28th Apr, 2020Parish Council Meeting
Tue 7th Apr, 2020Finance & Staff Committee
Tue 31st Mar, 2020Parish Council Meeting
Wed 25th Mar, 2020Annual Parish Meeting
Mon 23rd Mar, 2020Emergency Meeting Download Download
Wed 11th Mar, 2020Turbaries Management Committee Download Download
Tue 25th Feb, 2020Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Tue 21st Jan, 2020Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Tue 14th Jan, 2020Finance & Staff Committee Download Download